Control: Unattached external IP addresses should be released
Unattached external IPs cost money and should be released.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run alicloud_thrifty.control.vpc_eip_unattached
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run alicloud_thrifty.control.vpc_eip_unattached --share
Steampipe Tables
select 'acs:vpc:' || region || ':' || account_id || ':' || 'eip/' || allocation_id as resource, case when status = 'Available' then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when status = 'Available' then ip_address || ' not attached.' else ip_address || ' is attached.' end as reason , account_id, regionfrom alicloud_vpc_eip;