
Benchmark: 164.308(a)(6)(ii) Response and reporting


Identify and respond to suspected or known security incidents; mitigate, to the extent practicable, harmful effects of security incidents that are known to the covered entity or business associate; and document security incidents and their outcomes.


Install the mod:

mkdir dashboards
cd dashboards
powerpipe mod init
powerpipe mod install github.com/turbot/steampipe-mod-aws-compliance

Start the Powerpipe server:

steampipe service start
powerpipe server

Open http://localhost:9033 in your browser and select 164.308(a)(6)(ii) Response and reporting.

Run this benchmark in your terminal:

powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.hipaa_final_omnibus_security_rule_2013_164_308_a_6_ii

Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:

powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.hipaa_final_omnibus_security_rule_2013_164_308_a_6_ii --share

