Control: 4.4 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for IAM policy changes
Real-time monitoring of API calls can be achieved by directing CloudTrail Logs to CloudWatch Logs and establishing corresponding metric filters and alarms. It is recommended that a metric filter and alarm be established changes made to Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies.
Monitoring changes to IAM policies will help ensure authentication and authorization controls remain intact.
The steps to remediate this issue include setting up an Amazon SNS topic, a metric filter, and an alarm for the metric filter.
From Console
To create SNS topic
- Open the Amazon SNS console at SNS.
- Create an Amazon SNS topic that receives all CIS alarms. Create at least one subscriber to the topic. You can follow steps here
- Set up an active CloudTrail that applies to all Regions. To do so, follow the remediation steps in CIS 3.1 – Ensure CloudTrail is enabled in all Regions.
- Make a note of the associated log group name.
To create a metric filter and alarm
Open the CloudWatch console at CloudWatch.
In the navigation pane, choose Log groups.
Select the check box for the log group that you made a note of in the previous step (4).
From Actions, choose Create Metric Filter.
Under Define pattern, do the following:
Copy the following pattern and then paste it into the Filter Pattern field.
{($.eventName=DeleteGroupPolicy) || ($.eventName=DeleteRolePolicy) || ($.eventName=DeleteUserPolicy) || ($.eventName=PutGroupPolicy) || ($.eventName=PutRolePolicy) || ($.eventName=PutUserPolicy) || ($.eventName=CreatePolicy) || ($.eventName=DeletePolicy) || ($.eventName=CreatePolicyVersion) || ($.eventName=DeletePolicyVersion) || ($.eventName=AttachRolePolicy) || ($.eventName=DetachRolePolicy) || ($.eventName=AttachUserPolicy) || ($.eventName=DetachUserPolicy) || ($.eventName=AttachGroupPolicy) || ($.eventName=DetachGroupPolicy)}Choose Next.
Under Assign metric, do the following:
- In Filter name, enter a name for your metric filter.
- For Metric namespace, enter
. You can use the same namespace for all of your CIS log metric filters. - For Metric name, enter a name for the metric.
- The name of the metric is required to create the alarm.
- For Metric value, enter 1.
- Choose Next.
Under Review and create, review the details and choose Create metric filter.
Choose the Metric filters tab, select the metric filter that you just created.
To choose the metric filter, select the
check box
at the upper right.Choose Create Alarm.
Follow the steps provided in Create an alarm
Under Configure actions, do the following:
- Under Alarm state trigger, choose In alarm.
- Under Select an SNS topic, choose Select an existing SNS topic.
- For Send a notification to, enter the name of the SNS topic that you created in the previous procedure.
- Choose Next.
Under Add name and description, enter a Name and Description for the alarm. For example, CIS4.4-[SmallDescription]. Then choose Next.
Under Preview and create, review the alarm configuration. Choose Create alarm.
From Command Line
Perform the following to setup the metric filter, alarm, SNS topic, and subscription
- Create a metric filter based on filter pattern provided and CloudWatch log group.
aws logs put-metric-filter --log-group-name `<cloudtrail_log_group_name>` --filter-name `<iam_changes_metric>` --metric-transformations metricName=`<iam_changes_metric>` ,metricNamespace='CISBenchmark',metricValue=1 --filter-pattern'{($.eventName=DeleteGroupPolicy)||($.eventName=DeleteRolePolicy)||($.eventName=DeleteUserPolicy)||($.eventName=PutGroupPolicy)||($.eventName=PutRolePolicy)||($.eventName=PutUserPolicy)||($.eventName=CreatePolicy)||($.eventName=DeletePolicy)||($.eventName=CreatePolicyVersion)||($.eventName=DeletePolicyVersion)||($.eventName=AttachRolePolicy)||($eventName=DetachRolePolicy)||($.eventName=AttachUserPolicy)||($.eventName=DetachUserPolicy)||($.eventName=AttachGroupPolicy)||($eventName=DetachGroupPolicy)}'
Note: You can choose your own metricName and metricNamespace strings. Using the same metricNamespace for all Foundations Benchmark metrics will group them together.
- Create an SNS topic that the alarm will notify.
aws sns create-topic --name <sns_topic_name>
Note: you can execute this command once and then re-use the same topic for all monitoring alarms.
- Create an SNS subscription to the topic created in step 2.
aws sns subscribe --topic-arn <sns_topic_arn> --protocol <protocol_for_sns> --notification-endpoint <sns_subscription_endpoints>
Note: you can execute this command once and then re-use the SNS subscription for all.
- Create an alarm that is associated with the CloudWatch Logs Metric Filter created in step 1 and an SNS topic created in step 2.
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name `<iam_changes_alarm>` --metric-name `<iam_changes_metric>` --statistic Sum --period 300 --threshold 1 --comparison-operator GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold --evaluation-periods 1 --namespace 'CISBenchmark' --alarm-actions <sns_topic_arn>
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.cis_v130_4_4
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.cis_v130_4_4 --share
This control uses a named query:
with trails as ( select trail.account_id, as trail_name, trail.is_logging, split_part(trail.log_group_arn, ':', 7) as log_group_name from aws_cloudtrail_trail as trail, jsonb_array_elements(trail.event_selectors) as se where trail.is_multi_region_trail is true and trail.is_logging and se ->> 'ReadWriteType' = 'All' and trail.log_group_arn is not null order by trail_name),alarms as ( select metric_name, action_arn as topic_arn from aws_cloudwatch_alarm, jsonb_array_elements_text(aws_cloudwatch_alarm.alarm_actions) as action_arn order by metric_name),topic_subscriptions as ( select subscription_arn, topic_arn from aws_sns_topic_subscription order by subscription_arn),metric_filters as ( select as filter_name, filter_pattern, log_group_name, metric_transformation_name from aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter as filter where filter.filter_pattern ~ '\s*\$\.eventName\s*=\s*DeleteGroupPolicy.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*DeleteRolePolicy.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*DeleteUserPolicy.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*PutGroupPolicy.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*PutRolePolicy.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*PutUserPolicy.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*CreatePolicy.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*DeletePolicy.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*CreatePolicyVersion.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*DeletePolicyVersion.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*AttachRolePolicy.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*DetachRolePolicy.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*AttachUserPolicy.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*DetachUserPolicy.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*AttachGroupPolicy.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*DetachGroupPolicy' order by filter_name),filter_data as ( select t.account_id, t.trail_name, f.filter_name from trails as t join metric_filters as f on f.log_group_name = t.log_group_name join alarms as alarm on alarm.metric_name = f.metric_transformation_name join topic_subscriptions as subscription on subscription.topic_arn = alarm.topic_arn)select distinct 'arn:' || a.partition || ':::' || a.account_id as resource, case when f.trail_name is null then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when f.trail_name is null then 'No log metric filter and alarm exist for IAM policy changes.' else filter_name || ' forwards events for IAM policy changes.' end as reason , a.account_idfrom aws_account as a left join filter_data as f on a.account_id = f.account_id;