Control: 1.11 Do not setup access keys during initial user setup for all IAM users that have a console password
AWS console defaults to no check boxes selected when creating a new IAM user. When creating the IAM user access type you have to determine what type of access they require.
Programmatic access:The IAM user might need to make API calls, use the AWS CLI, or use the tools for windows powershell. In that case, create an access key (access key ID and a secret access key) for that user. AWS Management Console access: If the user needs to access the AWS Management Console, create a password for the user.
After user profile is created, user can create access keys for programmatic access which will provide an indication that it is needed for their work. User can also put a support ticket to have access keys created for them.
From Console:
Perform the following action to check if an access key is created during user creation:
- Sign into the AWS console and navigate to the IAM Dashboard.
- In the left navigation pane, choose Users.
- Click on the User name where column
Password age
andAccess key age
is not set to None. - Click on Security credentials tab.
- Compare the user
Creation time
to the Access KeyCreated
date and time. - For any that match, the key was created during initial user setup.
Note: Keys that were created at the same time as the user profile and do not have a last used date should be deleted.
Perform the following action to delete access keys:
- Sign into the AWS console as an Administrator and navigate to the IAM Dashboard.
- In the left navigation pane, choose Users.
- Click on the User name for which access key is to be deleted.
- Click on Security credentials tab.
- Click on the Make inactive to
the keys that were created at the same time as the user profile but have not been used. - Now click X (delete) for the
From Command Line:
aws iam delete-access-key --access-key-id <access-key-id-listed> --user-name <users-name>
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.cis_v150_1_11
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.cis_v150_1_11 --share
This control uses a named query:
select user_arn as resource, case -- alarm when password is enabled and the key was created within 10 seconds of the user when password_enabled and (extract(epoch from (access_key_1_last_rotated - user_creation_time)) < 10) then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when not password_enabled then user_name || ' password login disabled.' when access_key_1_last_rotated is null then user_name || ' has no access keys.' when password_enabled and (extract(epoch from (access_key_1_last_rotated - user_creation_time)) < 10) then user_name || ' has access key created during user creation and password login enabled.' else user_name || ' has access key not created during user creation.' end as reason , account_idfrom aws_iam_credential_report;