
Dashboard: AWS VPC Detail

This dashboard answers the following questions for each VPC:

  • How is the VPC configured?
  • What tags are applied?
  • What are the CIDR blocks assigned to?
  • What is the DHCP option configured?
  • What are the subnets attached to?
  • How the route tables are configured?
  • What are the peering connections associated?
  • How are NACLs configured?
  • How gateways and endpoints are configured?
  • How security groups are configured?
  • What relationships does the VPC have with other resources?
This dashboard contains 4 cards, 2 flows, 1 graph, 1 input and 11 tables.


Install the mod:

mkdir dashboards
cd dashboards
powerpipe mod init
powerpipe mod install github.com/turbot/steampipe-mod-aws-insights

Start the Powerpipe server:

steampipe service start
powerpipe server

Open http://localhost:9033 in your browser and select AWS VPC Detail dashboard.

You could also snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:

powerpipe login
powerpipe dashboard run aws_insights.dashboard.vpc_detail --share


This dashboard uses the the following queries:
with aces as (
e -> 'Protocol' as protocol_number,
e ->> 'CidrBlock' as ipv4_cidr_block,
e ->> 'Ipv6CidrBlock' as ipv6_cidr_block,
coalesce(e ->> 'CidrBlock', e ->> 'Ipv6CidrBlock') as cidr_block,
e -> 'PortRange' -> 'To' as to_port,
e -> 'PortRange' -> 'From' as from_port,
e ->> 'RuleAction' as rule_action,
e -> 'RuleNumber' as rule_number,
to_char((e->>'RuleNumber')::numeric, 'fm00000') as rule_num_padded,
-- e -> 'IcmpTypeCode' as icmp_type_code,
e -> 'IcmpTypeCode' -> 'Code' as icmp_code,
e -> 'IcmpTypeCode' -> 'Type' as icmp_type,
e -> 'Protocol' as protocol_number,
e -> 'Egress' as is_egress,
case when e ->> 'RuleAction' = 'allow' then 'Allow ' else 'Deny ' end ||
when e->>'Protocol' = '-1' then 'All Traffic'
when e->>'Protocol' = '1' and e->'IcmpTypeCode' is null then 'All ICMP'
when e->>'Protocol' = '58' and e->'IcmpTypeCode' is null then 'All ICMPv6'
when e->>'Protocol' = '6' and e->'PortRange' is null then 'All TCP'
when e->>'Protocol' = '17' and e->'PortRange' is null then 'All UDP'
when e->>'Protocol' = '6' and e->'PortRange'->>'From' = '0' and e->'PortRange'->>'To' = '65535'
then 'All TCP'
when e->>'Protocol' = '17' and e->'PortRange'->>'From' = '0' and e->'PortRange'->>'To' = '65535'
then 'All UDP'
when e->>'Protocol' = '1' and e->'IcmpTypeCode' is not null
then concat('ICMP Type ', e->'IcmpTypeCode'->>'Type', ', Code ', e->'IcmpTypeCode'->>'Code')
when e->>'Protocol' = '58' and e->'IcmpTypeCode' is not null
then concat('ICMPv6 Type ', e->'IcmpTypeCode'->>'Type', ', Code ', e->'IcmpTypeCode'->>'Code')
when e->>'Protocol' = '6' and e->'PortRange'->>'To' = e->'PortRange'->>'From'
then concat(e->'PortRange'->>'To', '/TCP')
when e->>'Protocol' = '17' and e->'PortRange'->>'To' = e->'PortRange'->>'From'
then concat(e->'PortRange'->>'To', '/UDP')
when e->>'Protocol' = '6' and e->'PortRange'->>'From' <> e->'PortRange' ->> 'To'
then concat(e->'PortRange'->>'To', '-', e->'PortRange'->>'From', '/TCP')
when e->>'Protocol' = '17' and e->'PortRange'->>'From' <> e->'PortRange'->>'To'
then concat(e->'PortRange'->>'To', '-', e->'PortRange'->>'From', '/UDP')
else concat('Procotol: ', e->>'Protocol')
end as rule_description,
a ->> 'SubnetId' as subnet_id,
a ->> 'NetworkAclAssociationId' as nacl_association_id
jsonb_array_elements(entries) as e,
jsonb_array_elements(associations) as a
vpc_id = $1
and (e -> 'Egress')::boolean
-- Subnet Nodes
distinct subnet_id as id,
subnet_id as title,
'subnet' as category,
null as from_id,
null as to_id,
0 as depth
from aces
-- ACL Nodes
union select
distinct network_acl_id as id,
network_acl_id as title,
'nacl' as category,
null as from_id,
null as to_id,
1 as depth
from aces
-- Rule Nodes
union select
concat(network_acl_id, '_', rule_num_padded) as id,
concat(rule_number, ': ', rule_description) as title,
'rule' as category,
null as from_id,
null as to_id,
2 as depth
from aces
-- CIDR Nodes
union select
distinct cidr_block as id,
cidr_block as title,
'cidr_block' as category,
null as from_id,
null as to_id,
3 as depth
from aces
-- subnet -> edge
union select
null as id,
null as title,
'attached' as category,
subnet_id as from_id,
network_acl_id as to_id,
null as depth
from aces
-- NACL -> Rule edge
union select
null as id,
null as title,
rule_action as category,
network_acl_id as from_id,
concat(network_acl_id, '_', rule_num_padded) as to_id,
null as depth
from aces
-- rule -> ip edge
union select
null as id,
null as title,
rule_action as category,
concat(network_acl_id, '_', rule_num_padded) as from_id,
cidr_block as to_id,
null as depth
from aces
