AWS Well-Architected FrameworkAWS Well-Architected Workload DetailAWS Well-Architected Workload Risks Report
Dashboard: AWS Well-Architected Workload Detail
This dashboard answers the following questions for each workload:
- How many questions are answered?
- How many risks are there for each lens and pillar?
- What are the risk counts for each milestone?
- How many unanswered questions are there for each milestone?
This dashboard contains 5 cards, 2 inputs and 4 tables.
Install the mod:
mkdir dashboardscd dashboardspowerpipe mod initpowerpipe mod install
Start the Powerpipe server:
steampipe service startpowerpipe server
Open http://localhost:9033 in your browser and select AWS Well-Architected Workload Detail dashboard.
You could also snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe dashboard run aws_well_architected.dashboard.wellarchitected_workload_detail --share
This dashboard uses the the following queries:
with question_counts as ( select sum((risk_counts ->> 'UNANSWERED')::int) as unanswered_questions, sum((risk_counts ->> 'HIGH')::int) + sum((risk_counts ->> 'MEDIUM')::int) + sum((risk_counts ->> 'NONE')::int) + sum((risk_counts ->> 'NOT_APPLICABLE')::int) as answered_questions from aws_wellarchitected_lens_review as r where r.workload_id = $1 and r.lens_arn = any(string_to_array($2, ',')))select 'Answered Questions' as label, answered_questions || '/' || unanswered_questions + answered_questions || ' (' || (100 * answered_questions/(unanswered_questions + answered_questions))::numeric || '%)' as value, case when unanswered_questions = 0 then 'ok' else 'alert' end as typefrom question_counts
{ "$1": "workload_id", "$2": "lens_arn"}