
Control: 2.1.3 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Databases Is Set To 'On'


Turning on Microsoft Defender for Databases enables threat detection for the instances running your database software. This provides threat intelligence, anomaly detection, and behavior analytics in the Azure Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Instead of being enabled on services like Platform as a Service (PaaS), this implementation will run within your instances as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) on the Operating Systems hosting your databases.

Enabling Microsoft Defender for Azure SQL Databases allows your organization more granular control of the infrastructure running your database software. Instead of waiting on Microsoft release updates or other similar processes, you can manage them yourself. Threat detection is provided by the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC).


From Azure Portal

  1. Go to Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  2. Select Environment Settings blade
  3. Click on the subscription name
  4. Select the Defender plans blade
  5. On the line in the table for Azure SQL Databases Select On under Plan.
  6. Select Save

From Azure CLI

Run the following command:

az security pricing create -n 'SqlServers' --tier 'Standard'
az security pricing create -n 'SqlServerVirtualMachines' --tier 'Standard'
az security pricing create -n 'OpenSourceRelationalDatabases' --tier 'Standard'
az security pricing create -n 'CosmosDbs' --tier 'Standard'

From Powershell

Run the following command:

Set-AzSecurityPricing -Name 'SqlServers' -PricingTier 'Standard'
Set-AzSecurityPricing -Name 'SqlServerVirtualMachines' -PricingTier 'Standard'
Set-AzSecurityPricing -Name 'OpenSourceRelationalDatabases' -PricingTier 'Standard'
Set-AzSecurityPricing -Name 'CosmosDbs' -PricingTier 'Standard'

Default Value

By default, Microsoft Defender plan is off.


Run the control in your terminal:

powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v150_2_1_3

Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:

powerpipe login
powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v150_2_1_3 --share


This control uses a named query:

