
Control: 5.2.2 Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Delete Policy Assignment


Create an activity log alert for the Delete Policy Assignment event.

Monitoring for delete policy assignment events gives insight into changes done in "azure policy - assignments" and can reduce the time it takes to detect unsolicited changes.


From Azure Portal

  1. Navigate to the Monitor blade
  2. Click on Alerts
  3. Click on Create
  4. Click on Alert rule
  5. Under the Scope tab, click Select scope
  6. In the Select a resource window, select the appropriate filters:
    • Filter by subscription: < choose the subscription alerts are needed for >
    • Filter by resource location: Policy assignment (policyAssignments)
    • Filter by location: All
    • Click on the subscription name or resource group to apply the Log Alert Rule to
  7. Verify that the selection preview shows:
    • All Policy assignment (policyAssignments)
    • < Resource Name > - The subscription, group, or resource you selected
  8. Click Done
  9. Under the Condition tab, click Add Condition (the Select a signal window may automatically open without clicking)
  10. In the Select a signal window, under the "Signal Name" heading, click Delete policy assignment (Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments)
  11. Under the Actions tab, choose appropriately:
    • Select action groups - If you have an existing action group to notify the necessary personnel.
    • Create action group - If you do not have an existing action group or want to create a new one.
  12. Under the Details tab, fill in:
    • Resource group - Select the resource group you want the alert rule to reside in.
    • Alert rule name - Give your alert a recognizable and standardized name.
    • Alert rule description - (Optional)
  13. Click Review + create then verify the summary details
  14. Click Create

From Azure CLI

[Azure CLI has been temporarily removed from the Activity Log Alerts section in version 1.5 and will be added back in the next release]

Default Value

By default, no monitoring alerts are created.


Run the control in your terminal:

powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v150_5_2_2

Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:

powerpipe login
powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v150_5_2_2 --share


This control uses a named query:

with alert_rule as (
alert.id as alert_id,
alert.name as alert_name,
azure_log_alert as alert,
jsonb_array_elements_text(scopes) as sc
alert.location = 'global'
and alert.enabled
and sc = '/subscriptions/' || alert.subscription_id
and alert.condition -> 'allOf' @> '[{"equals":"Administrative","field":"category"}]'
and alert.condition -> 'allOf' @> '[{"field": "operationName", "equals": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/delete"}]'
limit 1
sub.subscription_id as resource,
when count(a.subscription_id) > 0 then 'ok'
else 'alarm'
end as status,
when count(a.subscription_id) > 0 then 'Activity log alert exists for delete policy assignment event.'
else 'Activity log alert does not exists for delete policy assignment event.'
end as reason
, sub.display_name as subscription
azure_subscription sub
left join alert_rule a on sub.subscription_id = a.subscription_id
group by
