Control: 1.3 Ensure IAM administrators cannot update tenancy Administrators group
Tenancy administrators can create more users, groups, and policies to provide other service administrators access to OCI resources.
For example, an IAM administrator will need to have access to manage resources like compartments, users, groups, dynamic-groups, policies, identity-providers, tenancy tagnamespaces, tag-definitions in the tenancy.
The policy that gives IAM-Administrators or any other group full access to 'groups' resources should not allow access to the tenancy 'Administrators' group.
The policy statements would look like -
Allow group IAMAdmins to inspect users in tenancyAllow group IAMAdmins to use users in tenancy where != 'Administrators'Allow group IAMAdmins to inspect groups in tenancyAllow group IAMAdmins to use groups in tenancy where != 'Administrators'
Note: You must include separate statements for 'inspect' access, because the variable is not used by the ListUsers and ListGroups operations.
These policy statements ensure that no other group can manage tenancy administrator users or the membership to the 'Administrators' group thereby gain or remove tenancy administrator access.
From Console
- Login to OCI Console.
- Select
Menu. - Select
Menu. - Click on an individual policy under the Name heading.
- Ensure Policy statements look like this -
Allow group IAMAdmins to use users in tenancy where != 'Administrators'Allow group IAMAdmins to use groups in tenancy where != 'Administrators'
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run oci_compliance.control.cis_v200_1_3
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run oci_compliance.control.cis_v200_1_3 --share
This control uses a named query:
with policies_to_update_tenancy as ( select lower(s) as statement from oci_identity_policy, jsonb_array_elements_text(statements) as s where lower(s) like '%' || 'to use users in tenancy' || '%' or lower(s) like '%' || 'to use groups in tenancy' || '%'), policies_to_update_tenancy_without_condition as ( select count(*) as num from policies_to_update_tenancy where not statement like '%' || 'where != ''administrators''')select id as resource, case when num > 0 then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when num > 0 then title || ' IAM administrators can update tenancy administrators group.' else title || ' IAM administrators cannot update tenancy administrators group.' end as reason , tenant_name as tenantfrom oci_identity_tenancy, policies_to_update_tenancy_without_condition;