Query: iam_user_with_accountadmin_role_have_email
powerpipe query snowflake_compliance.query.iam_user_with_accountadmin_role_have_email
Steampipe Tables
with users_with_account_admin_role as ( select grantee_name from snowflake_role_grant where role = 'ACCOUNTADMIN' and granted_to = 'USER')select name as resource, case when name not in (select * from users_with_account_admin_role) then 'skip' when email != '' then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when name not in (select * from users_with_account_admin_role) then name || ' does not have ACCOUNTADMIN role.' when email != '' then name || ' email address set.' else name || ' email address not set.' end as reason, accountfrom snowflake_user;
The query is being used by the following controls: