Control: Application Gateway should restrict message lookup in Log4j2
This control checks that Application Gateway restricts message lookup in Log4j2 due to the CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability, also known as log4jshell.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run terraform_azure_compliance.control.application_gateway_restrict_message_lookup_log4j2
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run terraform_azure_compliance.control.application_gateway_restrict_message_lookup_log4j2 --share
This control uses a named query:
with managed_rule as ( select distinct name from terraform_resource, jsonb_array_elements ( case jsonb_typeof(attributes_std -> 'managed_rules' -> 'managed_rule_set') when 'array' then (attributes_std -> 'managed_rules' -> 'managed_rule_set') when 'object' then jsonb_build_array(attributes_std -> 'managed_rules' -> 'managed_rule_set') else null end ) r, jsonb_array_elements( case jsonb_typeof(r -> 'rule_group_override') when 'array' then (r -> 'rule_group_override') when 'object' then jsonb_build_array(r -> 'rule_group_override') else null end ) as o where type = 'azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy' and r ->> 'type' = 'OWASP' and r ->> 'version' in ('3.1', '3.2') and o ->> 'rule_group_name' = 'REQUEST-944-APPLICATION-ATTACK-JAVA' and o -> 'disabled_rules' @> '["944240"]'), managed_rule_set_version as ( select distinct name from terraform_resource, jsonb_array_elements ( case jsonb_typeof(attributes_std -> 'managed_rules' -> 'managed_rule_set') when 'array' then (attributes_std -> 'managed_rules' -> 'managed_rule_set') when 'object' then jsonb_build_array(attributes_std -> 'managed_rules' -> 'managed_rule_set') else null end ) r where type = 'azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy' and r ->> 'type' = 'OWASP' and r ->> 'version' not in ('3.1', '3.2'))select address as resource, case when is not null then 'alarm' when is not null then 'alarm' else 'ok' end status, split_part(address, '.', 2) || case when is not null then ' managed rule set vesion is old' when is not null then ' does not restrict message lookup in Log4j2' else ' restrict message lookup in Log4j2' end || '.' reason , path || ':' || start_linefrom terraform_resource as r left join managed_rule as m on = left join managed_rule_set_version as v on = r.namewhere type = 'azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy';