Benchmark: 3 Monitoring
For effectiveness and coverage of recommended metric-filters and alarms, recommendations in Section 3 should be implemented on Multi-region CloudTrail referred in Ensure CloudTrail is enabled in all regions
Updated Overview should look like: This section contains recommendations for configuring AWS to assist with monitoring and responding to account activities. Metric filter-related recommendations in this section are dependent on the Ensure CloudTrail is enabled in all regions
and Ensure CloudTrail trails are integrated with CloudWatch Logs
recommendation in the "Logging" section. Additionally, step 3 of the remediation procedure for the same recommendations provides guidance for establishing an email-based subscription (-- protocol email
). This is provided as an example and is not meant to suggest other protocols provide lesser value.
Install the mod:
mkdir dashboardscd dashboardspowerpipe mod initpowerpipe mod install
Start the Powerpipe server:
steampipe service startpowerpipe server
Open http://localhost:9033 in your browser and select 3 Monitoring.
Run this benchmark in your terminal:
powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.cis_v120_3
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.cis_v120_3 --share
- 3.1 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for unauthorized API calls
- 3.2 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for Management Console sign-in without MFA
- 3.3 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for usage of "root" account
- 3.4 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for IAM policy changes
- 3.5 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for CloudTrail configuration changes
- 3.6 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Management Console authentication failures
- 3.7 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for disabling or scheduled deletion of customer created CMKs
- 3.8 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for S3 bucket policy changes
- 3.9 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Config configuration changes
- 3.10 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for security group changes
- 3.11 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to Network Access Control Lists (NACL)
- 3.12 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to network gateways
- 3.13 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for route table changes
- 3.14 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for VPC changes