
Benchmark: 11.200 Electronic signature components and controls


Electronic signatures that are not biometric (i.e., not based on a physical feature, like a fingerprint) must be made up of at least two distinct parts (i.e.,user ID and password). Biometric electronic signature (e.g., fingerprint scan, retinal scan) can only be used by the individuals to whom they are assigned.


Install the mod:

mkdir dashboards
cd dashboards
powerpipe mod init
powerpipe mod install github.com/turbot/steampipe-mod-aws-compliance

Start the Powerpipe server:

steampipe service start
powerpipe server

Open http://localhost:9033 in your browser and select 11.200 Electronic signature components and controls.

Run this benchmark in your terminal:

powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.gxp_21_cfr_part_11_11_200

Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:

powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.gxp_21_cfr_part_11_11_200 --share

