Control: EC2 AMIs should only be shared with trusted accounts
AWS AMIs can be shared with specific AWS accounts without making the AMI public. This control checks if AMIs are shared with untrusted accounts.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_perimeter.control.ec2_ami_shared_with_trusted_accounts
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_perimeter.control.ec2_ami_shared_with_trusted_accounts --share
Steampipe Tables
Args | Name | Default | Description | Variable |
$1 | trusted_accounts |
| A list of trusted accounts. |
with all_amis as ( select title, public, launch_permissions, region, _ctx, tags, account_id from aws_ec2_ami order by account_id, _ctx, region, tags, title),ami_data as ( select title, public, string_agg(lp ->> 'Group', ',') as public_access, to_jsonb(string_to_array(string_agg(lp ->> 'UserId', ','), ',')) as shared_accounts, to_jsonb(string_to_array(string_agg(lp ->> 'UserId', ','), ',')) - ($1)::text[] as untrusted_accounts, region, _ctx, tags, account_id from all_amis, jsonb_array_elements(launch_permissions) lp group by title, public, region, _ctx, account_id, tags),evaluated_amis as ( select all_amis.*, public_access, untrusted_accounts, shared_accounts from all_amis left join ami_data on all_amis.account_id = ami_data.account_id and all_amis.region = ami_data.region and all_amis.title = ami_data.title)select title as resource, case when public then 'info' when shared_accounts is null then 'ok' when untrusted_accounts is not null then 'info' else 'ok' end as status, case when public then title || ' is public.' when shared_accounts is null then title || ' is not shared.' when untrusted_accounts is not null then title || case when jsonb_array_length(untrusted_accounts) > 2 then concat(' shared with untrusted accounts ', untrusted_accounts #>> '{0}', ', ', untrusted_accounts #>> '{1}', ' and ' || (jsonb_array_length(untrusted_accounts) - 2)::text || ' more.' ) when jsonb_array_length(untrusted_accounts) = 2 then concat(' shared with untrusted accounts ', untrusted_accounts #>> '{0}', ' and ', untrusted_accounts #>> '{1}', '.') else concat(' shared with untrusted account ', untrusted_accounts #>> '{0}', '.') end else title || ' shared with trusted account(s).' end as reason , region, account_idfrom evaluated_amis;