Control: What services have changed in cost over last two months?
Compares the cost of services between the last two full months of AWS usage.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_thrifty.control.full_month_cost_changes
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_thrifty.control.full_month_cost_changes --share
Steampipe Tables
Args | Name | Default | Description | Variable |
$1 | cost_explorer_service_cost_max_cost_units |
| The maximum difference in cost units allowed for service costs between the current and previous month. |
with base_month as ( select dimension_1 as service_name, replace(lower(trim(dimension_1)), ' ', '-') as service, partition, account_id, _ctx, net_unblended_cost_unit as unit, sum(net_unblended_cost_amount) as cost, region from aws_cost_usage where granularity = 'MONTHLY' and dimension_type_1 = 'SERVICE' and dimension_type_2 = 'RECORD_TYPE' and dimension_2 not in ('Credit') and period_start >= date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '2' month) and period_start < date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '1' month) group by 1,2,3,4,5,unit,region ), prev_month as ( select dimension_1 as service_name, replace(lower(trim(dimension_1)), ' ', '-') as service, partition, account_id, _ctx, net_unblended_cost_unit as unit, sum(net_unblended_cost_amount) as cost, region from aws_cost_usage where granularity = 'MONTHLY' and dimension_type_1 = 'SERVICE' and dimension_type_2 = 'RECORD_TYPE' and dimension_2 not in ('Credit') and period_start >= date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '1' month) and period_start < date_trunc('month', current_date ) group by 1,2,3,4,5,unit,region )select case when prev_month.service_name is null then 'arn:' || base_month.partition || ':::' || base_month.account_id || ':cost/' || base_month.service else 'arn:' || prev_month.partition || ':::' || prev_month.account_id || ':cost/' || prev_month.service end as resource, case when base_month.cost is null then 'info' when prev_month.cost is null then 'ok' -- adjust this value to change threshold for the alarm when (prev_month.cost - base_month.cost) > $1 then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when base_month.cost is null then prev_month.service_name || ' usage is new this month with a spend of ' || round(cast(prev_month.cost as numeric), 2) || ' ' || prev_month.unit when prev_month.cost is null then 'No usage billing for ' || base_month.service_name || ' in current month.' when abs(prev_month.cost - base_month.cost) < 0.01 then prev_month.service_name || ' has remained flat.' when prev_month.cost > base_month.cost then prev_month.service_name || ' usage has increased by ' || round(cast((prev_month.cost - base_month.cost) as numeric), 2) || ' ' || prev_month.unit else prev_month.service_name || ' usage has decreased (' || round(cast((base_month.cost - prev_month.cost) as numeric), 2) || ') ' || prev_month.unit end as reason , prev_month.region, prev_month.account_idfrom base_month full outer join prev_month on base_month.service_name = prev_month.service_namewhere prev_month.cost != base_month.costorder by (prev_month.cost - base_month.cost) desc;