
Variables in AWS Thrifty

A list of common dimensions to add to each control.
rds_db_instance_avg_cpu_utilization_low25The average CPU utilization required for DB instances to be considered infrequently used. This value should be lower than rds_db_instance_avg_cpu_utilization_high.
ec2_reserved_instance_expiration_warning_days30The number of days reserved instances can be running before sending a warning.
ebs_volume_max_size_gb100The maximum size (GB) allowed for volumes.
rds_running_db_instance_age_max_days90The maximum number of days DB instances are allowed to run.
ebs_volume_max_iops32000The maximum IOPS allowed for volumes.
elasticache_running_cluster_age_max_days90The maximum number of days clusters are allowed to run.
ecs_cluster_avg_cpu_utilization_high35The average CPU utilization required for clusters to be considered frequently used. This value should be higher than ecs_cluster_avg_cpu_utilization_low.
cost_explorer_service_cost_max_cost_units10The maximum difference in cost units allowed for service costs between the current and previous month.
rds_db_instance_avg_cpu_utilization_high50The average CPU utilization required for DB instances to be considered frequently used. This value should be higher than rds_db_instance_avg_cpu_utilization_low.
ebs_volume_avg_read_write_ops_low100The number of average read/write ops required for volumes to be considered infrequently used. This value should be lower than ebs_volume_avg_read_write_ops_high.
elasticache_running_cluster_age_warning_days30The number of days clusters can be running before sending a warning.
ebs_volume_avg_read_write_ops_high500The number of average read/write ops required for volumes to be considered frequently used. This value should be higher than ebs_volume_avg_read_write_ops_low.
tag_dimensions-A list of tags to add as dimensions to each control.
cloudwatch_log_stream_age_max_days90The maximum number of days log streams are allowed without any log event written to them.
redshift_cluster_avg_cpu_utilization_low20The average CPU utilization required for clusters to be considered infrequently used. This value should be lower than redshift_cluster_avg_cpu_utilization_high.
ecs_cluster_avg_cpu_utilization_low20The average CPU utilization required for clusters to be considered infrequently used. This value should be lower than ecs_cluster_avg_cpu_utilization_high.
dynamodb_table_stale_data_max_days90The maximum number of days table data can be unchanged before it is considered stale.
redshift_cluster_avg_cpu_utilization_high35The average CPU utilization required for clusters to be considered frequently used. This value should be higher than redshift_cluster_avg_cpu_utilization_low.
redshift_running_cluster_age_max_days90The maximum number of days clusters are allowed to run.
rds_running_db_instance_age_warning_days30The number of days DB instances can be running before sending a warning.
redshift_running_cluster_age_warning_days30The number of days clusters can be running before sending a warning.
rds_db_instance_avg_connections2The minimum number of average connections per day required for DB instances to be considered in-use.
ec2_instance_avg_cpu_utilization_low20The average CPU utilization required for instances to be considered infrequently used. This value should be lower than ec2_instance_avg_cpu_utilization_high.
ebs_snapshot_age_max_days90The maximum number of days snapshots can be retained.
A list of allowed instance types. PostgreSQL wildcards are supported.
ec2_running_instance_age_max_days90The maximum number of days instances are allowed to run.
secretsmanager_secret_last_used90The default number of days secrets manager secrets to be considered in-use.
ec2_instance_avg_cpu_utilization_high35The average CPU utilization required for instances to be considered frequently used. This value should be higher than ec2_instance_avg_cpu_utilization_low.