Control: Are there any lambda functions with excessive timeout?
Excessive timeouts result in retries and additional execution time for the function, incurring request charges and billed duration. The control checks for functions with a timeout rate of more than 10% a day in one of the last 7 days.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_thrifty.control.lambda_function_excessive_timeout
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_thrifty.control.lambda_function_excessive_timeout --share
Steampipe Tables
with lambda_duration as ( select name, avg(average:: numeric) as avg_duration from aws_lambda_function_metric_duration_daily where date_part('day', now() - timestamp) <=7 group by name)select arn as resource, case when avg_duration is null then 'error' when ((timeout :: numeric*1000) - avg_duration)/(timeout :: numeric*1000) > 0.1 then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when avg_duration is null then 'CloudWatch lambda metrics not available for ' || title || '.' else title || ' Timeout of ' || timeout::numeric*1000 || ' milliseconds is ' || round(((timeout :: numeric*1000)-avg_duration)/(timeout :: numeric*1000)*100,1) || '% more as compared to average of ' || round(avg_duration,0) || ' milliseconds.' end as reason , region, account_idfrom aws_lambda_function f left join lambda_duration as d on =;