Control: Are there redundant global CloudTrail trails?
Your first cloudtrail in each account is free, additional trails are expensive.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_thrifty.control.multiple_global_trails
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_thrifty.control.multiple_global_trails --share
Steampipe Tables
with global_trails as ( select account_id, count(*) as total from aws_cloudtrail_trail where is_multi_region_trail and region = home_region group by account_id, is_multi_region_trail)select arn as resource, case when total > 1 then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when total > 1 then name || ' is one of ' || total || ' global trails.' else name || ' is the only global trail.' end as reason , t.region, t.account_idfrom aws_cloudtrail_trail as t, global_trailswhere is_multi_region_trail and region = home_region;