Control: WWW IPs should use public IPs
For a server to be accessible on the public internet, it needs a public DNS record, and its IP address needs to be reachable on the internet.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run net_insights.control.dns_www_all_ip_public
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run net_insights.control.dns_www_all_ip_public --share
Steampipe Tables
Args | Name | Default | Description | Variable |
$1 | domain_names |
| DNS domain names. |
with domains_with_www as ( select distinct fqdn, domain from ( select domain, case when domain ilike 'www.%' then domain else 'www.' || domain end as fqdn from net_dns_record where domain in (select jsonb_array_elements_text(to_jsonb($1::text[]))) ) as domains order by fqdn),domain_with_www_record as ( select domain, ip, (ip << ''::inet or ip << ''::inet or ip << ''::inet or ip << ''::inet or ip << ''::inet or ip << ''::inet) as is_private from net_dns_record where domain in (select fqdn from domains_with_www) and type = 'A' and ip is not null),domain_with_www_with_private_ip as ( select distinct domain from domain_with_www_record where is_private)select domains_with_www.domain as resource, case when domain_with_www_with_private_ip.domain is null then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when domain_with_www_with_private_ip.domain is null then domains_with_www.domain || ' WWW IPs appear to use public IPs.' else domains_with_www.domain || ' has WWW records using private IPs: [' || (select host(ip) from domain_with_www_record where domain = domains_with_www.domain and is_private) || '].' end as reasonfrom domains_with_www left join domain_with_www_with_private_ip on domains_with_www.domain = domain_with_www_with_private_ip.domain;