
Video Games Mod

View dashboards to analyze video game platforms, developers, industry trends, and more.


Getting Started


Download and install Powerpipe (https://powerpipe.io/downloads) and MySQL (https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/). Or use Brew:

brew install turbot/tap/powerpipe
brew install turbot/tap/mysql

Install the mod:

mkdir dashboards
cd dashboards
powerpipe mod init
powerpipe mod install github.com/turbot/powerpipe-mod-videogames

Configure Database

Download the Video Games Dataset and extract it in the current directory:

unzip ~/Downloads/archive.zip

Start MySQL server:


Connect to MySQL:

mysql -u root --local-infile=1

Create a database:

create database video_game;
use video_game;

Create a table:

create table game_data (
title varchar(255),
release_date date,
developer varchar(255),
publisher varchar(255),
genres varchar(255),
genres_splitted varchar(255),
product_rating varchar(255),
user_score float,
user_ratings_count int,
platforms_info text

Load the dataset into the table:

load data local infile 'all_video_games.csv'
into table game_data
fields terminated by ','
enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\n'
ignore 1 rows
(@title, @release_date, @developer, @publisher, @genres, @genres_splitted, @product_rating, @user_score, @user_ratings_count, @platforms_info)
title = @title,
release_date = str_to_date(@release_date, '%m/%d/%Y'),
developer = @developer,
publisher = @publisher,
genres = @genres,
genres_splitted = @genres_splitted,
product_rating = @product_rating,
user_score = nullif(@user_score, ''),
user_ratings_count = nullif(@user_ratings_count, ''),
platforms_info = @platforms_info;

Browsing Dashboards

Start the dashboard server with the DB connection string:

powerpipe server --database mysql://root@/video_game

Browse and view your dashboards at http://localhost:9033.

Open Source & Contributing

This repository is published under the Apache 2.0 license. Please see our code of conduct. We look forward to collaborating with you!

Powerpipe is a product produced from this open source software, exclusively by Turbot HQ, Inc. It is distributed under our commercial terms. Others are allowed to make their own distribution of the software, but cannot use any of the Turbot trademarks, cloud services, etc. You can learn more in our Open Source FAQ.

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