Benchmark: ACSC-EE-ML2-7.6: Multi-factor authentication ML2
Multi-factor authentication uses either: something users have and something users know, or something users have that is unlocked by something users know or are.
Install the mod:
mkdir dashboardscd dashboardspowerpipe mod initpowerpipe mod install
Start the Powerpipe server:
steampipe service startpowerpipe server
Open http://localhost:9033 in your browser and select ACSC-EE-ML2-7.6: Multi-factor authentication ML2.
Run this benchmark in your terminal:
powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.acsc_essential_eight_ml_2_7_6
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.acsc_essential_eight_ml_2_7_6 --share
- IAM root user hardware MFA should be enabled
- IAM root user MFA should be enabled
- IAM users with console access should have MFA enabled
- IAM user MFA should be enabled
- Ensure MFA Delete is enabled on S3 buckets