
Benchmark: 3.4.2e Employ automated mechanisms to detect misconfigured or unauthorized system components; after detection, [Selection (one or more): remove the components; place the components in a quarantine or remediation network] to facilitate patching, re-configuration, or other mitigations


System components used to process, store, transmit, or protect CUI are monitored and checked against the authoritative source (i.e., hardware and software inventory and associated baseline configurations). From an automated assessment perspective, the system description provided by the authoritative source is referred to as the desired state. Using automated tools, the desired state is compared to the actual state to check for compliance or deviations. Security responses to system components that are unknown or that deviate from approved configurations can include removing the components; halting system functions or processing; placing the system components in a quarantine or remediation network that facilitates patching, re-configuration, or other mitigations; or issuing alerts and/or notifications to personnel when there is an unauthorized modification of an organization-defined configuration item. Responses can be automated, manual, or procedural. Components that are removed from the system are rebuilt from the trusted configuration baseline established by the authoritative source.


Install the mod:

mkdir dashboards
cd dashboards
powerpipe mod init
powerpipe mod install github.com/turbot/steampipe-mod-aws-compliance

Start the Powerpipe server:

steampipe service start
powerpipe server

Open http://localhost:9033 in your browser and select 3.4.2e Employ automated mechanisms to detect misconfigured or unauthorized system components; after detection, [Selection (one or more): remove the components; place the components in a quarantine or remediation network] to facilitate patching, re-configuration, or other mitigations.

Run this benchmark in your terminal:

powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.nist_800_172_3_4_2_e

Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:

powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.nist_800_172_3_4_2_e --share

