Benchmark: 1.1 Establish and implement firewall and router configuration standards
Firewalls and routers are key components of the architecture that controls entry to and exit from the network. These devices are software or hardware devices that block unwanted access and manage authorized access into and out of the network. Configuration standards and procedures will help to ensure that the organization's first line of defense in the protection of its data remains strong.
Install the mod:
mkdir dashboardscd dashboardspowerpipe mod initpowerpipe mod install
Start the Powerpipe server:
steampipe service startpowerpipe server
Open http://localhost:9033 in your browser and select 1.1 Establish and implement firewall and router configuration standards.
Run this benchmark in your terminal:
powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.pci_dss_v321_requirement_1_1
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.pci_dss_v321_requirement_1_1 --share