
Benchmark: PCI DSS v4.0

To obtain the latest version of the official guide, please visit https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/document_library?category=pcidss&document=pci_dss.


The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) was developed to encourage and enhance payment account data security and facilitate the broad adoption of consistent data security measures globally. PCI DSS provides a baseline of technical and operational requirements designed to protect account data. While specifically designed to focus on environments with payment account data, PCI DSS can also be used to protect against threats and secure other elements in the payment ecosystem.

PCI DSS comprises a minimum set of requirements for protecting account data and may be enhanced by additional controls and practices to further mitigate risks, and to incorporate local, regional, and sector laws and regulations. Additionally, legislation or regulatory requirements may require specific protection of personal information or other data elements (for example, cardholder name).