Control: Backup report plan should exist in a region where backup plan is enabled
Ensure that there is a minimum of one backup report plan in each region. The rule will be considered non-compliant if a region with backup plans does not have any backup report plans.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.backup_report_plan_configured
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.backup_report_plan_configured --share
This control uses a named query:
with backup_plan_configured_regions as ( select distinct region, account_id from aws_backup_plan group by region, account_id), backup_report_plan_configured as ( select distinct region, account_id from aws_backup_report_plan group by region, account_id)select 'arn:' || r.partition || '::' || r.region || ':' || r.account_id as resource, case when cp.region is not null and rp.region is not null then 'ok' when cp.region is not null and rp.region is null then 'alarm' else 'info' end as status, case when cp.region is not null and rp.region is not null then 'Backup report plan(s) exist in region ' || r.region || '.' when cp.region is not null and rp.region is null then 'No backup report plan(s) exist in region ' || r.region || '.' else 'No backup plan(s) configured in region ' || r.region || '.' end as reason , r.region, r.account_idfrom aws_region as r left join backup_plan_configured_regions as cp on r.account_id = cp.account_id and r.region = cp.region left join backup_report_plan_configured as rp on r.account_id = rp.account_id and r.region = rp.region;