Control: 3.5 Ensure RDP is restricted to only IP address that should have this access
Any ports enable within Lightsail by default are open and exposed to the world. For SSH and RDP access you should identify which IP address need access.
Any ports enable within Lightsail by default are open and exposed to the world. This can result in outside traffic trying to access or even deny access to the Lightsail instances. Removing and adding approved IP address required for access.
From the Console:
- Login to AWS Console using
- Click
All services
, clickLightsail
under Compute. - This will open up the Lightsail console.
- Select the
Windows Instance
you want to review. - Go to the Networking section.
- Under IPv4 networking find the SSH rule as shown below.
Application Protocol Port or range / Code Restricted toRDP TCP 3389 Any IPv4 address
- Click on the edit icon.
- Click on the check box next to Restrict to IP address.
- Under
Source IP address ( or range ( or
type the IP address' you want.
From the Command Line:
- Run
aws lightsail put-ins
aws lightsail put-instance-public-ports --instance-name <instance_name> --port-infofromPort=3389,protocol=TCP,toPort=3389,cidrs=,
This command will enter the IP addresses that should have access to the instances identified above in the Audit.
- Run
aws lightsail get-instance-port-states
for the Windows instance to confirm the new setting.
aws lightsail get-instance-port-states --instance-name <instance_name>
This command will provide a list of available Ports and show how the cidr value for Port 3389 is now set.
"portStates": [{"fromPort": 3389,"toPort": 3389,"protocol": "tcp","state": "open","cidrs": ["",""],"cidrListAliases": []}]
- Repeat the remediation below for all other Windows instances identified in the Audit.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.cis_compute_service_v100_3_5
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.cis_compute_service_v100_3_5 --share
This control uses a named query:
with open_ports as ( select name, jsonb_array_elements(networking -> 'Ports') as port from aws_lightsail_instance),port_cidrs as ( select, (op.port ->> 'FromPort')::int as from_port, (op.port ->> 'ToPort')::int as to_port, op.port ->> 'Protocol' as protocol, jsonb_array_elements_text(op.port -> 'Cidrs') as cidr from open_ports op),unrestricted_rdp_ports as ( select name from port_cidrs where from_port = 3389 and to_port = 3389 and protocol = 'tcp' and cidr = '')select as resource, case when is null then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when is null then || ' has RDP (3389) restricted to specific IP addresses.' else || ' has RDP (3389) open to the world (' end as reason, i.tagsfrom aws_lightsail_instance i left join unrestricted_rdp_ports urp on =;