Control: 2.2.1 Ensure that encryption-at-rest is enabled for RDS Instances
Amazon RDS encrypted DB instances use the industry-standard AES-256 encryption algorithm to encrypt your data on the server that hosts your Amazon RDS DB instances. After your data is encrypted, Amazon RDS handles the authentication of access and the decryption of your data transparently, with minimal impact on performance.
Databases are likely to hold sensitive and critical data; therefore, it is highly recommended to implement encryption to protect your data from unauthorized access or disclosure. With RDS encryption enabled, the data stored on the instance's underlying storage, the automated backups, read replicas, and snapshots are all encrypted.
From Console
- Login to the AWS Management Console and open the RDS dashboard at
- In the left navigation panel, click on
. - Select the Database instance that needs to be encrypted.
- Click the
button placed at the top right and selectTake Snapshot
. - On the Take Snapshot page, enter the name of the database for which you want to take a snapshot in the
Snapshot Name
field and click onTake Snapshot
. - Select the newly created snapshot, click the
button placed at the top right, and selectCopy snapshot
from the Action menu. - On the Make Copy of DB Snapshot page, perform the following:
- In the
New DB Snapshot Identifier
field, enter a name for the new snapshot. - Check
Copy Tags
. The new snapshot must have the same tags as the source snapshot. - Select
from theEnable Encryption
dropdown list to enable encryption. You can choose to use the AWS default encryption key or a custom key from the Master Key dropdown list.
- Click
Copy Snapshot
to create an encrypted copy of the selected instance's snapshot. - Select the new Snapshot Encrypted Copy and click the
button located at the top right. Then, select theRestore Snapshot
option from the Action menu. This will restore the encrypted snapshot to a new database instance. - On the Restore DB Instance page, enter a unique name for the new database instance in the DB Instance Identifier field.
- Review the instance configuration details and click
Restore DB Instance
. - As the new instance provisioning process is completed, you can update the application configuration to refer to the endpoint of the new encrypted database instance. Once the database endpoint is changed at the application level, you can remove the unencrypted instance.
From Command Line
- Run the
command to list the names of all RDS database instances in the selected AWS region. The command output should return database instance identifiers:
aws rds describe-db-instances --region <region-name> --query 'DBInstances[*].DBInstanceIdentifier'
- Run the
command to create a snapshot for a selected database instance. The command output will return thenew snapshot
with name DB Snapshot Name:
aws rds create-db-snapshot --region <region-name> --db-snapshot-identifier <db-snapshot-name> --db-instance-identifier <db-name>
- Now run the
command to list the KMS key aliases available in a specified region. The command output should return eachkey alias currently available
. For our RDS encryption activation process, locate the ID of the AWS default KMS key:
aws kms list-aliases --region <region-name>
- Run the
command using the default KMS key ID for the RDS instances returned earlier to create an encrypted copy of the database instance snapshot. The command output will return theencrypted instance snapshot configuration
aws rds copy-db-snapshot --region <region-name> --source-db-snapshot-identifier <db-snapshot-name> --target-db-snapshot-identifier <db-snapshot-name-encrypted> --copy-tags --kms-key-id <kms-id-for-rds>
- Run the
command to restore the encrypted snapshot created in the previous step to a new database instance. If successful, the command output should return the configuration of the new encrypted database instance:
aws rds restore-db-instance-from-db-snapshot --region <region-name> --db-instance-identifier <db-name-encrypted> --db-snapshot-identifier <db-snapshot-name-encrypted>
- Run the
command to list all RDS database names available in the selected AWS region. The output will return the database instance identifier names. Select the encrypted database name that we just created,db-name-encrypted
aws rds describe-db-instances --region <region-name> --query 'DBInstances[*].DBInstanceIdentifier'
- Run the
command again using the RDS instance identifier returned earlier to determine if the selected database instance is encrypted. The command output should indicate that the encryption status isTrue
aws rds describe-db-instances --region <region-name> --db-instance-identifier <db-name-encrypted> --query 'DBInstances[*].StorageEncrypted'
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.cis_v400_2_2_1
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.cis_v400_2_2_1 --share
This control uses a named query:
select arn as resource, case when storage_encrypted then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when storage_encrypted then title || ' encrypted at rest.' else title || ' not encrypted at rest.' end as reason , region, account_idfrom aws_rds_db_instance;