Control: CloudFront distributions should not point to non-existent S3 origins
This control checks whether AWS CloudFront distributions are pointing to non-existent AWS S3 origins. The control fails for a CloudFront distribution if the origin is configured to point to a non-existent bucket. This control only applies to CloudFront distributions where an S3 bucket without static website hosting is the S3 origin.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.cloudfront_distribution_no_non_existent_s3_origin
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.cloudfront_distribution_no_non_existent_s3_origin --share
This control uses a named query:
with distribution_with_non_existent_bucket as ( select distinct d.arn as arn, to_jsonb(string_to_array((string_agg(split_part(o ->> 'DomainName', '.', 1), ',')),',')) as bucket_name_list from aws_cloudfront_distribution as d, jsonb_array_elements( as o left join aws_s3_bucket as b on = split_part(o ->> 'DomainName', '.', 1) where is null and o ->> 'DomainName' like '%.s3.%' group by d.arn)select distinct d.arn as resource, case when b.arn is null then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when b.arn is null then title || ' does not point to any non-existent S3 origins.' when jsonb_array_length(b.bucket_name_list) > 0 then title || case when jsonb_array_length(b.bucket_name_list) > 2 then concat(' point to non-existent S3 origins ', b.bucket_name_list #>> '{0}', ', ', b.bucket_name_list #>> '{1}', ' and ' || (jsonb_array_length(b.bucket_name_list) - 2)::text || ' more.' ) when jsonb_array_length(b.bucket_name_list) = 2 then concat(' point to non-existent S3 origins ', b.bucket_name_list #>> '{0}', ' and ', b.bucket_name_list #>> '{1}', '.') else concat(' point to non-existent S3 origin ', b.bucket_name_list #>> '{0}', '.') end end as reason , region, account_idfrom aws_cloudfront_distribution as d left join distribution_with_non_existent_bucket as b on b.arn = d.arn;