Control: At least one trail should be enabled with security best practices
This rule helps ensure the use of AWS recommended security best practices for AWS CloudTrail, by checking for the enablement of multiple settings. These include the use of log encryption, log validation, and enabling AWS CloudTrail in multiple regions.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.cloudtrail_security_trail_enabled
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.cloudtrail_security_trail_enabled --share
This control uses a named query:
with trails_enabled as ( select distinct arn, is_logging, event_selectors, coalesce( jsonb_agg(g) filter ( where not (g = 'null') ), $$[]$$::jsonb ) as excludeManagementEventSources from aws_cloudtrail_trail left join jsonb_array_elements(event_selectors) as e on true left join jsonb_array_elements_text(e -> 'ExcludeManagementEventSources') as g on true where home_region = region group by arn, is_logging, event_selectors ), all_trails as ( select a.arn as arn, tags, _ctx, case when a.is_logging is null then b.is_logging else a.is_logging end as is_logging, case when a.event_selectors is null then b.event_selectors else a.event_selectors end as event_selectors, b.excludeManagementEventSources, a.include_global_service_events, a.is_multi_region_trail, a.log_file_validation_enabled, a.kms_key_id, a.region, a.account_id, a.title from aws_cloudtrail_trail as a left join trails_enabled as b on a.arn = b.arn )select arn as resource, case when not is_logging then 'alarm' when not include_global_service_events then 'alarm' when not is_multi_region_trail then 'alarm' when not log_file_validation_enabled then 'alarm' when kms_key_id is null then 'alarm' when not (jsonb_array_length(event_selectors) = 1 and event_selectors @> '[{"ReadWriteType":"All"}]') then 'alarm' when not (event_selectors @> '[{"IncludeManagementEvents":true}]') then 'alarm' when jsonb_array_length(excludeManagementEventSources) > 0 then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when not is_logging then title || ' disabled.' when not include_global_service_events then title || ' not recording global service events.' when not is_multi_region_trail then title || ' not a muti-region trail.' when not log_file_validation_enabled then title || ' log file validation disabled.' when kms_key_id is null then title || ' not encrypted with a KMS key.' when not (jsonb_array_length(event_selectors) = 1 and event_selectors @> '[{"ReadWriteType":"All"}]') then title || ' not recording events for both reads and writes.' when not (event_selectors @> '[{"IncludeManagementEvents":true}]') then title || ' not recording management events.' when jsonb_array_length(excludeManagementEventSources) > 0 then title || ' excludes management events for ' || trim(excludeManagementEventSources::text, '[]') || '.' else title || ' meets all security best practices.' end as reason , region, account_idfrom all_trails;