Control: AWS Config should be enabled
This control checks whether AWS Config is enabled in the account for the local Region and is recording all resources.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.config_enabled_all_regions
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.config_enabled_all_regions --share
This control uses a named query:
-- pgFormatter-ignore-- Get count for any region with all matching criteriawith global_recorders as ( select count(*) as global_config_recorders from aws_config_configuration_recorder where recording_group -> 'IncludeGlobalResourceTypes' = 'true' and recording_group -> 'AllSupported' = 'true' and status ->> 'Recording' = 'true' and status ->> 'LastStatus' = 'SUCCESS')select 'arn:aws::' || a.region || ':' || a.account_id as resource, case -- When any of the region satisfies with above CTE -- In left join of <aws_config_configuration_recorder> table, regions now having -- 'Recording' and 'LastStatus' matching criteria can be considered as OK when g.global_config_recorders >= 1 and status ->> 'Recording' = 'true' and status ->> 'LastStatus' = 'SUCCESS' then 'ok' -- Skip any regions that are disabled in the account. when a.opt_in_status = 'not-opted-in' then 'skip' else 'alarm' end as status, -- Below cases are for citing respective reasons for control state case when a.opt_in_status = 'not-opted-in' then a.region || ' region is disabled.' else case when recording_group -> 'IncludeGlobalResourceTypes' = 'true' then a.region || ' IncludeGlobalResourceTypes enabled,' else a.region || ' IncludeGlobalResourceTypes disabled,' end || case when recording_group -> 'AllSupported' = 'true' then ' AllSupported enabled,' else ' AllSupported disabled,' end || case when status ->> 'Recording' = 'true' then ' Recording enabled' else ' Recording disabled' end || case when status ->> 'LastStatus' = 'SUCCESS' then ' and LastStatus is SUCCESS.' else ' and LastStatus is not SUCCESS.' end end as reason , a.region, a.account_idfrom global_recorders as g, aws_region as a left join aws_config_configuration_recorder as r on r.account_id = a.account_id and r.region =;