Control: EC2 instances high level findings should not be there in inspector scans
AWS Inspector scans operating system packages installed on your AWS EC2 instances for vulnerabilities and network reachability issues. Each finding has the name of the detected vulnerability and provides a severity rating, information about the affected resource, and details such as how to remediate the reported vulnerability.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.ec2_instance_no_high_level_finding_in_inspector_scan
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.ec2_instance_no_high_level_finding_in_inspector_scan --share
This control uses a named query:
with severity_list as ( select distinct title , a ->> 'Value' as instance_id from aws_inspector_finding, jsonb_array_elements(attributes) as a where severity = 'High' and asset_type = 'ec2-instance' and a ->> 'Key' = 'INSTANCE_ID' group by a ->> 'Value', title), ec2_istance_list as ( select distinct instance_id from severity_list)select arn as resource, case when l.instance_id is null then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when l.instance_id is null then i.title || ' has no high level finding in inspector scans.' else i.title || ' has ' || (select count(*) from severity_list where instance_id = i.instance_id) || ' high level findings in inspector scans.' end as reason , i.region, i.account_idfrom aws_ec2_instance as i left join ec2_istance_list as l on i.instance_id = l.instance_id;