Control: ELB application and network load balancers should only use SSL or HTTPS listeners
Ensure that Application Load Balancers and Network Load Balancers are configured to use certificates from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). This rule is compliant if at least 1 load balancer is configured without a certificate from ACM.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.elb_application_network_lb_use_ssl_certificate
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.elb_application_network_lb_use_ssl_certificate --share
This control uses a named query:
with listeners_without_certificate as ( select load_balancer_arn, count(*) as count from aws_ec2_load_balancer_listener where arn not in ( select arn from aws_ec2_load_balancer_listener, jsonb_array_elements(certificates) as c where c ->> 'CertificateArn' like 'arn:aws:acm%' ) group by load_balancer_arn),all_application_network_load_balacer as ( select arn, account_id, region, title, _ctx from aws_ec2_application_load_balancer union select arn, account_id, region, title, _ctx from aws_ec2_network_load_balancer)select a.arn as resource, case when b.load_balancer_arn is null then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when b.load_balancer_arn is null then a.title || ' uses certificates provided by ACM.' else a.title || ' has ' || b.count || ' listeners which do not use certificates provided by ACM.' end as reason , a.region, a.account_idfrom all_application_network_load_balacer as a left join listeners_without_certificate as b on a.arn = b.load_balancer_arn;