Control: 12 CloudFront distributions should not point to non-existent S3 origins
This control checks whether Amazon CloudFront distributions are pointing to non-existent Amazon S3 origins. The control fails for a CloudFront distribution if the origin is configured to point to a non-existent bucket. This control only applies to CloudFront distributions where an S3 bucket without static website hosting is the S3 origin.
When a CloudFront distribution in your account is configured to point to a non-existent bucket, a malicious third party can create the referenced bucket and serve their own content through your distribution. We recommend checking all origins regardless of routing behavior to ensure that your distributions are pointing to appropriate origins.
To modify your CloudFront distribution to point to a new origin, see Updating a distribution in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.foundational_security_cloudfront_12
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.foundational_security_cloudfront_12 --share
This control uses a named query:
with distribution_with_non_existent_bucket as ( select distinct d.arn as arn, to_jsonb(string_to_array((string_agg(split_part(o ->> 'DomainName', '.', 1), ',')),',')) as bucket_name_list from aws_cloudfront_distribution as d, jsonb_array_elements( as o left join aws_s3_bucket as b on = split_part(o ->> 'DomainName', '.', 1) where is null and o ->> 'DomainName' like '%.s3.%' group by d.arn)select distinct d.arn as resource, case when b.arn is null then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when b.arn is null then title || ' does not point to any non-existent S3 origins.' when jsonb_array_length(b.bucket_name_list) > 0 then title || case when jsonb_array_length(b.bucket_name_list) > 2 then concat(' point to non-existent S3 origins ', b.bucket_name_list #>> '{0}', ', ', b.bucket_name_list #>> '{1}', ' and ' || (jsonb_array_length(b.bucket_name_list) - 2)::text || ' more.' ) when jsonb_array_length(b.bucket_name_list) = 2 then concat(' point to non-existent S3 origins ', b.bucket_name_list #>> '{0}', ' and ', b.bucket_name_list #>> '{1}', '.') else concat(' point to non-existent S3 origin ', b.bucket_name_list #>> '{0}', '.') end end as reason , region, account_idfrom aws_cloudfront_distribution as d left join distribution_with_non_existent_bucket as b on b.arn = d.arn;