Control: 19 S3 access points should have block public access settings enabled
This control checks whether an Amazon S3 access point has block public access settings enabled. The control fails if block public access settings aren't enabled for the access point.
The Amazon S3 Block Public Access feature helps you manage access to your S3 resources at three levels: the account, bucket, and access point levels. The settings at each level can be configured independently, allowing you to have different levels of public access restrictions for your data. The access point settings can't individually override the more restrictive settings at higher levels (account level or bucket assigned to the access point). Instead, the settings at the access point level are additive, meaning they complement and work alongside the settings at the other levels. Unless you intend an S3 access point to be publicly accessible, you should enable block public access settings.
Amazon S3 currently doesn't support changing an access point's block public access settings after the access point has been created. All block public access settings are enabled by default when you create a new access point. We recommend that you keep all settings enabled unless you know that you have a specific need to disable any of them. For more information, see Managing public access to access points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.foundational_security_s3_19
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.foundational_security_s3_19 --share
This control uses a named query:
select access_point_arn as resource, case when block_public_acls and block_public_policy and ignore_public_acls and restrict_public_buckets then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when block_public_acls and block_public_policy and ignore_public_acls and restrict_public_buckets then name || ' all public access blocks enabled.' else name || ' not enabled for: ' || concat_ws(', ', case when not block_public_acls then 'block_public_acls' end, case when not block_public_policy then 'block_public_policy' end, case when not ignore_public_acls then 'ignore_public_acls' end, case when not restrict_public_buckets then 'restrict_public_buckets' end ) || '.' end as reason , region, account_idfrom aws_s3_access_point;