
Control: 2 Secrets Manager secrets configured with automatic rotation should rotate successfully


This control checks whether an AWS Secrets Manager secret rotated successfully based on the rotation schedule. The control fails if RotationOccurringAsScheduled is false. The control does not evaluate secrets that do not have rotation configured.

Secrets Manager helps you improve the security posture of your organization. Secrets include database credentials, passwords, and third-party API keys. You can use Secrets Manager to store secrets centrally, encrypt secrets automatically, control access to secrets, and rotate secrets safely and automatically.

Secrets Manager can rotate secrets. You can use rotation to replace long-term secrets with short-term ones. Rotating your secrets limits how long an unauthorized user can use a compromised secret. For this reason, you should rotate your secrets frequently.

In addition to configuring secrets to rotate automatically, you should ensure that those secrets rotate successfully based on the rotation schedule.


If the automatic rotation fails, then Secrets Manager might have encountered errors with the configuration.

To rotate secrets in Secrets Manager, you use a Lambda function that defines how to interact with the database or service that owns the secret.

For help on how to diagnose and fix common errors related to secrets rotation, see Troubleshooting AWS Secrets Manager rotation of secrets.


Run the control in your terminal:

powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.foundational_security_secretsmanager_2

Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:

powerpipe login
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.foundational_security_secretsmanager_2 --share


This control uses a named query:

arn as resource,
when primary_region is not null and region != primary_region then 'skip' -- Replica secret
when rotation_rules is null then 'alarm' -- Rotation not enabled
when last_rotated_date is null
and (date(current_date) - date(created_date)) <= (rotation_rules -> 'AutomaticallyAfterDays')::integer then 'ok' -- New secret not due for rotation yet
when last_rotated_date is null
and (date(current_date) - date(created_date)) > (rotation_rules -> 'AutomaticallyAfterDays')::integer then 'alarm' -- New secret overdue for rotation
when last_rotated_date is not null
and (date(current_date) - date(last_rotated_date)) > (rotation_rules -> 'AutomaticallyAfterDays')::integer then 'alarm' -- Secret has been rotated before but is overdue for another rotation
end as status,
when primary_region is not null and region != primary_region then title || ' is a replica.'
when rotation_rules is null then title || ' rotation not enabled.'
when last_rotated_date is null
and (date(current_date) - date(created_date)) <= (rotation_rules -> 'AutomaticallyAfterDays')::integer then title || ' scheduled for rotation.'
when last_rotated_date is null
and (date(current_date) - date(created_date)) > (rotation_rules -> 'AutomaticallyAfterDays')::integer then title || ' not rotated as per schedule.'
when last_rotated_date is not null
and (date(current_date) - date(last_rotated_date)) > (rotation_rules -> 'AutomaticallyAfterDays')::integer then title || ' not rotated as per schedule.'
end as reason
, region, account_id
