Control: IAM Access analyzer should be enabled without findings
This control checks whether the IAM Access analyzer is enabled without findings. If you grant permissions to an S3 bucket in one of your organization member accounts to a principal in another organization member account, IAM Access Analyzer does not generate a finding. But if you grant permission to a principal in an account that is not a member of the organization, IAM Access Analyzer generates a finding.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.iam_access_analyzer_enabled_without_findings
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.iam_access_analyzer_enabled_without_findings --share
This control uses a named query:
with accessanalyzer_findings as ( select a.status as status, f.access_analyzer_arn as arn, a.region, a.account_id, a.tags,, count(*) from aws_accessanalyzer_analyzer as a left join aws_accessanalyzer_finding as f on f.access_analyzer_arn = a.arn group by f.access_analyzer_arn, a.status, a.region, a.account_id, a.tags, 'arn:' || r.partition || '::' || r.region || ':' || r.account_id as resource, case -- Skip any regions that are disabled in the account. when r.opt_in_status = 'not-opted-in' then 'skip' when f.status = 'ACTIVE' and f.arn is null then 'ok' when f.status = 'ACTIVE' and f.arn is not null then 'alarm' when f.status = 'NOT_AVAILABLE' then 'alarm' else 'alarm' end as status, case when r.opt_in_status = 'not-opted-in' then r.region || ' region is disabled.' when f.status = 'ACTIVE' and f.arn is null then || ' does not have active findings in region ' || r.region || '.' when f.status = 'ACTIVE' and f.arn is not null then || ' has active findings in region ' || r.region || '.' when f.status = 'NOT_AVAILABLE' then || ' is not enabled in region ' || r.region || '.' else 'IAM Access Analyzer is not active in region ' || r.region || '.' end as reason , r.region, r.account_idfrom aws_region as r left join accessanalyzer_findings as f on f.region = r.region and f.account_id = r.account_id;