Control: IAM user credentials that have not been used in 90 days should be disabled
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) can help you with access permissions and authorizations by checking for IAM passwords and access keys that are not used for a specified time period.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.iam_user_unused_credentials_90
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.iam_user_unused_credentials_90 --share
This control uses a named query:
select user_arn as resource, case when user_name = '<root_account>' then 'info' when password_enabled and password_last_used is null and password_last_changed < (current_date - interval '90' day) then 'alarm' when password_enabled and password_last_used < (current_date - interval '90' day) then 'alarm' when access_key_1_active and access_key_1_last_used_date is null and access_key_1_last_rotated < (current_date - interval '90' day) then 'alarm' when access_key_1_active and access_key_1_last_used_date < (current_date - interval '90' day) then 'alarm' when access_key_2_active and access_key_2_last_used_date is null and access_key_2_last_rotated < (current_date - interval '90' day) then 'alarm' when access_key_2_active and access_key_2_last_used_date < (current_date - interval '90' day) then 'alarm' else 'ok' end status, user_name || case when not password_enabled then ' password not enabled,' when password_enabled and password_last_used is null then ' password created ' || to_char(password_last_changed, 'DD-Mon-YYYY') || ' never used,' else ' password used ' || to_char(password_last_used, 'DD-Mon-YYYY') || ',' end || case when not access_key_1_active then ' key 1 not enabled,' when access_key_1_active and access_key_1_last_used_date is null then ' key 1 created ' || to_char(access_key_1_last_rotated, 'DD-Mon-YYYY') || ' never used,' else ' key 1 used ' || to_char(access_key_1_last_used_date, 'DD-Mon-YYYY') || ',' end || case when not access_key_2_active then ' key 2 not enabled.' when access_key_2_active and access_key_2_last_used_date is null then ' key 2 created ' || to_char(access_key_2_last_rotated, 'DD-Mon-YYYY') || ' never used.' else ' key 2 used ' || to_char(access_key_2_last_used_date, 'DD-Mon-YYYY') || '.' end as reason , account_idfrom aws_iam_credential_report;