Control: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for VPC changes
You can do real-time monitoring of API calls by directing CloudTrail logs to CloudWatch Logs and establishing corresponding metric filters and alarms. You can have more than one VPC in an account, and you can create a peer connection between two VPCs, enabling network traffic to route between VPCs. Security Hub recommends that you create a metric filter and alarm for changes to VPCs.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.log_metric_filter_vpc
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.log_metric_filter_vpc --share
This control uses a named query:
with trails as ( select trail.account_id, as trail_name, trail.is_logging, split_part(trail.log_group_arn, ':', 7) as log_group_name from aws_cloudtrail_trail as trail, jsonb_array_elements(trail.event_selectors) as se where trail.is_multi_region_trail is true and trail.is_logging and se ->> 'ReadWriteType' = 'All' and trail.log_group_arn is not null order by trail_name),alarms as ( select metric_name, action_arn as topic_arn from aws_cloudwatch_alarm, jsonb_array_elements_text(aws_cloudwatch_alarm.alarm_actions) as action_arn order by metric_name),topic_subscriptions as ( select subscription_arn, topic_arn from aws_sns_topic_subscription order by subscription_arn),metric_filters as ( select as filter_name, filter_pattern, log_group_name, metric_transformation_name from aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter as filter where filter.filter_pattern ~ '\s*\$\.eventName\s*=\s*CreateVpc.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*DeleteVpc.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*ModifyVpcAttribute.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*AcceptVpcPeeringConnection.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*CreateVpcPeeringConnection.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*DeleteVpcPeeringConnection.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*RejectVpcPeeringConnection.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*AttachClassicLinkVpc.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*DetachClassicLinkVpc.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*DisableVpcClassicLink.+\$\.eventName\s*=\s*EnableVpcClassicLink' order by filter_name),filter_data as ( select t.account_id, t.trail_name, f.filter_name from trails as t join metric_filters as f on f.log_group_name = t.log_group_name join alarms as alarm on alarm.metric_name = f.metric_transformation_name join topic_subscriptions as subscription on subscription.topic_arn = alarm.topic_arn)select distinct 'arn:' || a.partition || ':::' || a.account_id as resource, case when f.trail_name is null then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when f.trail_name is null then 'No log metric filter and alarm exist for VPC changes.' else filter_name || ' forwards events for VPC changes.' end as reason , a.account_idfrom aws_account as a left join filter_data as f on a.account_id = f.account_id;