Control: Neptune DB clusters should not use public_subnet
This control checks if Neptune DB clusters are configured with public subnet as there is a risk of exposing sensitive data.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.neptune_db_cluster_no_public_subnet
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.neptune_db_cluster_no_public_subnet --share
This control uses a named query:
with subnets_with_explicit_route as ( select distinct ( a ->> 'SubnetId') as all_sub from aws_vpc_route_table as t, jsonb_array_elements(associations) as a where a ->> 'SubnetId' is not null), public_subnets_with_explicit_route as ( select distinct a ->> 'SubnetId' as SubnetId from aws_vpc_route_table as t, jsonb_array_elements(associations) as a, jsonb_array_elements(routes) as r where r ->> 'DestinationCidrBlock' = '' and ( r ->> 'GatewayId' like 'igw-%' or r ->> 'NatGatewayId' like 'nat-%' ) and a ->> 'SubnetId' is not null), public_subnets_with_implicit_route as ( select distinct route_table_id, vpc_id, region from aws_vpc_route_table as t, jsonb_array_elements(associations) as a, jsonb_array_elements(routes) as r where a ->> 'Main' = 'true' and r ->> 'DestinationCidrBlock' = '' and ( r ->> 'GatewayId' like 'igw-%' or r ->> 'NatGatewayId' like 'nat-%' )), subnet_accessibility as ( select subnet_id, vpc_id, case when s.subnet_id in (select all_sub from subnets_with_explicit_route where all_sub not in (select SubnetId from public_subnets_with_explicit_route )) then 'private' when p.SubnetId is not null or s.vpc_id in ( select vpc_id from public_subnets_with_implicit_route) then 'public' else 'private' end as access from aws_vpc_subnet as s left join public_subnets_with_explicit_route as p on p.SubnetId = s.subnet_id), cluster_public_subnet as ( select distinct arn, name as subnet_group_name from aws_rds_db_subnet_group, jsonb_array_elements(subnets) as s left join subnet_accessibility as a on a.subnet_id = s ->> 'SubnetIdentifier' where a.access = 'public')select c.arn as resource, case when s.subnet_group_name is not null then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when s.subnet_group_name is not null then c.title || ' has public subnet.' else c.title || ' has private subnet.' end as reason , region, account_idfrom aws_neptune_db_cluster as c left join cluster_public_subnet as s on s.subnet_group_name = c.db_subnet_group;