Control: OpenSearch domains should be in a VPC
This control checks whether AWS OpenSearch domains are in a VPC. It does not evaluate the VPC subnet routing configuration to determine public access.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.opensearch_domain_in_vpc
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.opensearch_domain_in_vpc --share
This control uses a named query:
with public_subnets as ( select distinct a -> 'SubnetId' as SubnetId from aws_vpc_route_table as t, jsonb_array_elements(associations) as a, jsonb_array_elements(routes) as r where r ->> 'DestinationCidrBlock' = '' and r ->> 'GatewayId' like 'igw-%'), opensearch_domain_with_public_subnet as ( select arn from aws_opensearch_domain , jsonb_array_elements(vpc_options -> 'SubnetIds') as s where s in (select SubnetId from public_subnets))select d.arn as resource, case when d.vpc_options ->> 'VPCId' is null then 'alarm' when d.vpc_options ->> 'VPCId' is not null and p.arn is not null then 'alarm' else 'ok' end status, case when vpc_options ->> 'VPCId' is null then title || ' not in VPC.' when d.vpc_options ->> 'VPCId' is not null and p.arn is not null then title || ' attached to public subnet.' else title || ' in VPC ' || (vpc_options ->> 'VPCId') || '.' end reason , d.region, d.account_idfrom aws_opensearch_domain as d left join opensearch_domain_with_public_subnet as p on d.arn = p.arn;