Control: RDS databases and clusters should not use a database engine default port
This control checks whether the RDS cluster or instance uses a port other than the default port of the database engine.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.rds_db_instance_and_cluster_no_default_port
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.rds_db_instance_and_cluster_no_default_port --share
This control uses a named query:
(select arn as resource, case when engine similar to '%(aurora|mysql|mariadb)%' and port = '3306' then 'alarm' when engine like '%postgres%' and port = '5432' then 'alarm' when engine like 'oracle%' and port = '1521' then 'alarm' when engine like 'sqlserver%' and port = '1433' then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when engine similar to '%(aurora|mysql|mariadb)%' and port = '3306' then title || ' ' || engine || ' uses a default port.' when engine like '%postgres%' and port = '5432' then title || ' ' || engine || ' uses a default port.' when engine like 'oracle%' and port = '1521' then title || ' ' || engine || ' uses a default port.' when engine like 'sqlserver%' and port = '1433' then title || ' ' || engine || ' uses a default port.' else title || ' doesnt use a default port.' end as reason , region, account_idfrom aws_rds_db_cluster)union(select arn as resource, case when engine similar to '%(aurora|mysql|mariadb)%' and port = '3306' then 'alarm' when engine like '%postgres%' and port = '5432' then 'alarm' when engine like 'oracle%' and port = '1521' then 'alarm' when engine like 'sqlserver%' and port = '1433' then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when engine similar to '%(aurora|mysql|mariadb)%' and port = '3306' then title || ' ' || engine || ' uses a default port.' when engine like '%postgres%' and port = '5432' then title || ' ' || engine || ' uses a default port.' when engine like 'oracle%' and port = '1521' then title || ' ' || engine || ' uses a default port.' when engine like 'sqlserver%' and port = '1433' then title || ' ' || engine || ' uses a default port.' else title || ' doesnt use a default port.' end as reason , region, account_idfrom aws_rds_db_instance);