Control: Secrets Manager secrets should be rotated as per the rotation schedule
This rule ensures that AWS Secrets Manager secrets have rotated successfully according to the rotation schedule. Rotating secrets on a regular schedule can shorten the period that a secret is active, and potentially reduce the business impact if it is compromised.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.secretsmanager_secret_rotated_as_scheduled
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.secretsmanager_secret_rotated_as_scheduled --share
This control uses a named query:
select arn as resource, case when primary_region is not null and region != primary_region then 'skip' -- Replica secret when rotation_rules is null then 'alarm' -- Rotation not enabled when last_rotated_date is null and (date(current_date) - date(created_date)) <= (rotation_rules -> 'AutomaticallyAfterDays')::integer then 'ok' -- New secret not due for rotation yet when last_rotated_date is null and (date(current_date) - date(created_date)) > (rotation_rules -> 'AutomaticallyAfterDays')::integer then 'alarm' -- New secret overdue for rotation when last_rotated_date is not null and (date(current_date) - date(last_rotated_date)) > (rotation_rules -> 'AutomaticallyAfterDays')::integer then 'alarm' -- Secret has been rotated before but is overdue for another rotation end as status, case when primary_region is not null and region != primary_region then title || ' is a replica.' when rotation_rules is null then title || ' rotation not enabled.' when last_rotated_date is null and (date(current_date) - date(created_date)) <= (rotation_rules -> 'AutomaticallyAfterDays')::integer then title || ' scheduled for rotation.' when last_rotated_date is null and (date(current_date) - date(created_date)) > (rotation_rules -> 'AutomaticallyAfterDays')::integer then title || ' not rotated as per schedule.' when last_rotated_date is not null and (date(current_date) - date(last_rotated_date)) > (rotation_rules -> 'AutomaticallyAfterDays')::integer then title || ' not rotated as per schedule.' end as reason , region, account_idfrom aws_secretsmanager_secret;