Control: Network ACLs should not allow ingress from to port 22 or port 3389
This control checks if default ports for SSH/RDP ingress traffic for network access control lists (NACLs) is unrestricted. The rule fails if a NACL inbound entry allows a source CIDR block of '' or '::/0' for ports 22 or 3389.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.vpc_network_acl_remote_administration
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.vpc_network_acl_remote_administration --share
This control uses a named query:
with bad_rules as ( select network_acl_id, count(*) as num_bad_rules, tags, region, account_id from aws_vpc_network_acl, jsonb_array_elements(entries) as att where att ->> 'Egress' = 'false' -- as per aws egress = false indicates the ingress and ( att ->> 'CidrBlock' = '' or att ->> 'Ipv6CidrBlock' = '::/0' ) and att ->> 'RuleAction' = 'allow' and ( ( att ->> 'Protocol' = '-1' -- all traffic and att ->> 'PortRange' is null ) or ( (att -> 'PortRange' ->> 'From') :: int <= 22 and (att -> 'PortRange' ->> 'To') :: int >= 22 and att ->> 'Protocol' in('6', '17') -- TCP or UDP ) or ( (att -> 'PortRange' ->> 'From') :: int <= 3389 and (att -> 'PortRange' ->> 'To') :: int >= 3389 and att ->> 'Protocol' in('6', '17') -- TCP or UDP ) ) group by network_acl_id, region, account_id, tags order by network_acl_id, region, account_id, tags),aws_vpc_network_acls as ( select network_acl_id, tags, partition, region, account_id from aws_vpc_network_acl order by network_acl_id, region, account_id)select 'arn:' || acl.partition || ':ec2:' || acl.region || ':' || acl.account_id || ':network-acl/' || acl.network_acl_id as resource, case when bad_rules.network_acl_id is null then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when bad_rules.network_acl_id is null then acl.network_acl_id || ' does not allow ingress to port 22 or 3389 from or ::/0.' else acl.network_acl_id || ' contains ' || bad_rules.num_bad_rules || ' rule(s) allowing ingress to port 22 or 3389 from or ::/0.' end as reason , acl.region, acl.account_idfrom aws_vpc_network_acls as acl left join bad_rules on bad_rules.network_acl_id = acl.network_acl_id;