Control: VPCs peering connection route tables should have least privilege
Ensure that all VPCs peering connection route tables have least privilege.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.vpc_peering_connection_route_table_least_privilege
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.vpc_peering_connection_route_table_least_privilege --share
This control uses a named query:
with vpc_peering_routing_tables as ( select r ->> 'VpcPeeringConnectionId' as peering_connection_id from aws_vpc_route_table, jsonb_array_elements(routes) as r inner join aws_vpc_peering_connection as c on r ->> 'VpcPeeringConnectionId' = where ( r ->> 'DestinationCidrBlock' = '' or r ->> 'DestinationCidrBlock' = '::/0' or (r ->> 'DestinationCidrBlock')::cidr = c.accepter_cidr_block or (r ->> 'DestinationCidrBlock')::cidr = c.requester_cidr_block ) group by r ->> 'VpcPeeringConnectionId')select 'arn:' || c.partition || ':ec2:' || c.region || ':' || c.account_id || ':vpc-peering-connection/' || as resource, case when t.peering_connection_id is not null then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when t.peering_connection_id is not null then c.title || ' does not have least privilege access.' else c.title || ' has least privilege access.' end as reason , region, account_idfrom aws_vpc_peering_connection as c left join vpc_peering_routing_tables as t on t.peering_connection_id =;