Control: VPC security groups should restrict ingress access on ports 20, 21, 22, 3306, 3389, 4333 from
Manage access to resources in the AWS Cloud by ensuring common ports are restricted on AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (AWS EC2) security groups.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.vpc_security_group_restrict_ingress_common_ports_all
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_compliance.control.vpc_security_group_restrict_ingress_common_ports_all --share
This control uses a named query:
with ingress_ssh_rules as ( select group_id, count(*) as num_ssh_rules from aws_vpc_security_group_rule where type = 'ingress' and cidr_ipv4 = '' and ( ( ip_protocol = '-1' and from_port is null ) or ( from_port <= 22 and to_port >= 22 ) or ( from_port <= 3389 and to_port >= 3389 ) or ( from_port <= 21 and to_port >= 21 ) or ( from_port <= 20 and to_port >= 20 ) or ( from_port <= 3306 and to_port >= 3306 ) or ( from_port <= 4333 and to_port >= 4333 ) ) group by group_id)select arn as resource, case when ingress_ssh_rules.group_id is null then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when ingress_ssh_rules.group_id is null then sg.group_id || ' ingress restricted for ports 20, 21, 22, 3306, 3389, 4333 from' else sg.group_id || ' contains ' || ingress_ssh_rules.num_ssh_rules || ' ingress rule(s) allowing access on ports 20, 21, 22, 3306, 3389, 4333 from' end as reason , region, account_idfrom aws_vpc_security_group as sg left join ingress_ssh_rules on ingress_ssh_rules.group_id = sg.group_id;