Control: Resources shared through RAM should only be shared with trusted OUs
AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) helps you securely share your resources across AWS accounts, organizational units (OUs), and organizations for supported resource types. Check if you share resources with an account that is not part of the trusted list of OUs.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run aws_perimeter.control.ram_resource_shared_with_trusted_organization_units
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run aws_perimeter.control.ram_resource_shared_with_trusted_organization_units --share
Steampipe Tables
with ram_shared_resources as ( select distinct rsa.associated_entity as "shared_resource", rpa.associated_entity as "shared_with_organization_unit", rsa.status, rsa.region, rsa.account_id, rsa._ctx, split_part((rpa.associated_entity), '/', 1) from aws_ram_resource_association as rsa inner join aws_ram_principal_association as rpa on rsa.resource_share_name = rpa.resource_share_name where rsa.status <> 'FAILED' and rpa.status <> 'FAILED' and split_part((rpa.associated_entity), '/', 1) like '%:ou'),shared_data as ( select (regexp_split_to_array(shared_resource, ':'))[6] as resource, to_jsonb(string_to_array(string_agg(split_part(shared_with_organization_unit, '/', 3), ','), ',', '')) - ($1)::text[] as untrusted_organizations_unit, region, _ctx, account_id FROM ram_shared_resources group by shared_resource, region, _ctx, account_id)select resource, case when jsonb_array_length(untrusted_organizations_unit) > 0 then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when jsonb_array_length(untrusted_organizations_unit) > 0 then resource || case when jsonb_array_length(untrusted_organizations_unit) > 2 then concat( ' shared with untrusted OUs ' ,untrusted_organizations_unit #>> '{0}', ', ', untrusted_organizations_unit #>> '{1}', ' and ', (jsonb_array_length(untrusted_organizations_unit) - 2)::text, ' more.') when jsonb_array_length(untrusted_organizations_unit) = 2 then concat(' shared with untrusted OUs ', untrusted_organizations_unit #>> '{0}', ', ', untrusted_organizations_unit #>> '{1}', '.') else concat(' shared with untrusted OU ', untrusted_organizations_unit #>> '{0}', '.') end else resource || ' shared with trusted OU(s).' end as reason , region, account_idfrom shared_data;
Args | Name | Default | Description | Variable |
$1 | trusted_organization_units |
| A list of trusted organization units. |