Control: 5.2.6 Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Delete Network Security Group Rule
Create an activity log alert for the Delete Network Security Group
Rule event.
Monitoring for Delete Network Security Group Rule events gives insight into network access changes and may reduce the time it takes to detect suspicious activity.
From Console
- Login to
Azure Monitor
console - Select
- Click On New Alert Rule
- Under Scope, click Select resource
- Select the appropriate subscription under Filter by
- Select
Policy Assignment
under Filter by resource type - Select
for Filter by location - Click on the
subscription resource
from the entries populated underResource
- Verify Selection preview shows All Policy assignment (policyAssignments) and your selected subscription name
- Click Done
- Under
section click Add Condition - Select
Delete Network Security Group Rule
signal - Click Done
- Under
Action group
section, select Add action groups and complete creation process or select appropriate action group - Under
Alert rule details
, enterAlert rule name
- Select appropriate
resource group
to save the alert to - Check
Enable alert rule
upon creation checkbox - Click Create alert rule
From Command Line
Use the below command to create an Activity Log Alert for Create
or Update Network Security Groups
az account get-access-token --query "{subscription:subscription,accessToken:accessToken}" \--out tsv | xargs -L1 bash -c 'curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer $1" -H \"Content-Type:application/json" \$0/resourceGroups/<Resource_Group_ToCreate_Alert_In>/providers/microsoft.insights/activityLogAlerts/<Unique_Alert_Name>?api-version=2017-04-01 -d@"input.json"'
Where input.json contains the Request body JSON data as mentioned below.
{ "location":"Global", "tags":{
}, "properties":{ "scopes":[ "/subscriptions/<Subscription_ID>" ], "enabled":true, "condition":{ "allOf":[ { "containsAny":null, "equals":"Administrative", "field":"category" }, { "containsAny":null, "equals":"Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/securityRules/delete", "field":"operationName" } ] }, "actions":{ "actionGroups":[ { "actionGroupId":"/subscriptions/<Subscription_ID>/resourceGroups/<Resource_Group_For_Alert_Group>/providers/microsoft.insights/actionGroups/<Alert_Group>", "webhookProperties":null } ] } }}
Configurable Parameters for command line:
<Resource_Group_To Create_Alert_In> <Unique_Alert_Name>
Configurable Parameters for input.json:
<Subscription_ID> in scopes<Subscription_ID> in actionGroupId<Resource_Group_For_Alert_Group> in actionGroupId<Alert_Group> in actionGroupId
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v140_5_2_6
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v140_5_2_6 --share
This control uses a named query:
with alert_rule as ( select as alert_id, as alert_name, alert.enabled, alert.location, alert.subscription_id from azure_log_alert as alert, jsonb_array_elements_text(scopes) as sc where alert.location = 'global' and alert.enabled and sc = '/subscriptions/' || alert.subscription_id and ( ( alert.condition -> 'allOf' @> '[{"equals":"Administrative","field":"category"}]' and alert.condition -> 'allOf' @> '[{"field": "operationName", "equals": "Microsoft.Network/networksecuritygroups/securityrules/delete"}]' ) or ( alert.condition -> 'allOf' @> '[{"equals":"Administrative","field":"category"}]' and alert.condition -> 'allOf' @> '[{"field": "resourceType", "equals": ""}]' and jsonb_array_length(alert.condition -> 'allOf') = 2 ) ) limit 1)select sub.subscription_id as resource, case when count(a.subscription_id) > 0 then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when count(a.subscription_id) > 0 then 'Activity log alert exists for delete Network Security Group Rule event.' else 'Activity log alert does not exists for delete Network Security Group Rule event.' end as reason , sub.display_name as subscriptionfrom azure_subscription sub left join alert_rule a on sub.subscription_id = a.subscription_idgroup by sub._ctx, sub.subscription_id, sub.display_name;