Control: 6.4 Ensure that HTTP(S) access from the Internet is evaluated and restricted
Network security groups should be periodically evaluated for port misconfigurations. Where certain ports and protocols may be exposed to the Internet, they should be evaluated for necessity and restricted wherever they are not explicitly required and narrowly configured.
The potential security problem with using HTTP(S) over the Internet is that attackers can use various brute force techniques to gain access to Azure resources. Once the attackers gain access, they can use the resource as a launch point for compromising other resources within the Azure tenant.
From Azure Portal
- Go to
Virtual machines
. - For each VM, open the
blade. - Click on
Inbound port rules
. - Delete the rule with:
- Port = 80/443 OR [port range containing 80/443]
- Protocol = TCP OR Any
- Source = Any (*) OR IP Addresses( OR Service Tag(Internet)
- Action = Allow
From Azure CLI
Run below command to list network security groups:
az network nsg list --subscription <subscription-id> --output table
- For each network security group, run below command to list the rules associated with the specified port:
az network nsg rule list --resource-group <resource-group> --nsg-name <nsg-name> --query "[?destinationPortRange=='80 or 443']"
- Run the below command to delete the rule with:
- Port = 80/443 OR [port range containing 80/443]
- Protocol = TCP OR "*"
- Source = Any (*) OR IP Addresses( OR Service Tag(Internet)
- Action = Allow
az network nsg rule delete --resource-group <resource-group> --nsg-name <nsg-name> --name <rule-name>
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v210_6_4
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v210_6_4 --share
This control uses a named query:
with network_sg as ( select distinct name sg_name from azure_network_security_group nsg, jsonb_array_elements(security_rules) sg, jsonb_array_elements_text(sg -> 'properties' -> 'destinationPortRanges' || (sg -> 'properties' -> 'destinationPortRange') :: jsonb) dport, jsonb_array_elements_text(sg -> 'properties' -> 'sourceAddressPrefixes' || (sg -> 'properties' -> 'sourceAddressPrefix') :: jsonb) sip where sg -> 'properties' ->> 'access' = 'Allow' and sg -> 'properties' ->> 'direction' = 'Inbound' and sg -> 'properties' ->> 'protocol' ilike 'TCP' and sip in ( '*', '', '', 'Internet', 'any', '<nw>/0', '/0' ) and ( dport in ( '80', '*' ) or ( dport like '%-%' and split_part(dport, '-', 1) :: integer <= 80 and split_part(dport, '-', 2) :: integer >= 80 ) ))select resource, case when nsg.sg_name is null then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when nsg.sg_name is null then sg.title || ' restricts HTTPS access from internet.' else sg.title || ' allows HTTPS access from internet.' end as reason , sg.resource_group as resource_group , sub.display_name as subscriptionfrom azure_network_security_group sg left join network_sg nsg on nsg.sg_name = join azure_subscription sub on sub.subscription_id = sg.subscription_id;