
Control: 8.2 Ensure Virtual Machines are utilizing Managed Disks


Migrate blob-based VHDs to Managed Disks on Virtual Machines to exploit the default features of this configuration. The features include: 1) Default Disk Encryption. 2) Resilience, as Microsoft will managed the disk storage and move around if underlying hardware goes faulty. 3) Reduction of costs over storage accounts.

Managed disks are by default encrypted on the underlying hardware, so no additional encryption is required for basic protection. It is available if additional encryption is required. Managed disks are by design more resilient that storage accounts.

For ARM-deployed Virtual Machines, Azure Adviser will at some point recommend moving VHDs to managed disks both from a security and cost management perspective.


From Azure Portal

  1. Using the search feature, go to Virtual Machines.
  2. Select the virtual machine you would like to convert.
  3. Select Disks in the menu for the VM.
  4. At the top select Migrate to managed disks.
  5. You may follow the prompts to convert the disk and finish by selecting Migrate to start the process.

NOTE VMs will be stopped and restarted after migration is complete.

From PowerShell

Stop-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Name $vmName -Force
ConvertTo-AzVMManagedDisk -ResourceGroupName $rgName -VMName $vmName
Start-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Name $vmName

Default Value

Managed disks or are an option upon the creation of VMs.


Run the control in your terminal:

powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v300_8_2

Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:

powerpipe login
powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v300_8_2 --share


This control uses a named query:

vm.id as resource,
when managed_disk_id is null then 'alarm'
else 'ok'
end as status,
when managed_disk_id is null then vm.name || ' VM not utilizing managed disks.'
else vm.name || ' VM utilizing managed disks.'
end as reason
, vm.resource_group as resource_group
, sub.display_name as subscription
azure_compute_virtual_machine as vm,
azure_subscription as sub
sub.subscription_id = vm.subscription_id;
