
Control: 9.4 Ensure Web App is using the latest version of TLS encryption


The TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol secures transmission of data over the internet using standard encryption technology. Encryption should be set with the latest version of TLS. App service allows TLS 1.2 by default, which is the recommended TLS level by industry standards such as PCI DSS.

App service currently allows the web app to set TLS versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. It is highly recommended to use the latest TLS 1.2 version for web app secure connections.


From Azure Portal

  1. Login to Azure Portal using https://portal.azure.com.
  2. Go to App Services.
  3. Click on each App.
  4. Under Setting section, Click on SSL settings.
  5. Under the Bindings pane, set Minimum TLS Version to 1.2 under Protocol Settings section.

From Azure CLI

To set TLS Version for an existing app, run the following command:

az webapp config set --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> --name <APP_NAME> --min-tls-version 1.2

From Powershell

Set-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> -Name <APP_NAME> -MinTlsVersion 1.2

Default Value

By default, TLS Version feature will be set to 1.2 when a new app is created using the command-line tool or Azure Portal console.


Run the control in your terminal:

powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v300_9_4

Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:

powerpipe login
powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v300_9_4 --share


This control uses a named query:

app.id as resource,
when configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'minTlsVersion' < '1.2' then 'alarm'
else 'ok'
end as status,
when configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'minTlsVersion' < '1.2' then name || ' not using the latest version of TLS encryption.'
else name || ' using the latest version of TLS encryption.'
end as reason
, app.resource_group as resource_group
, sub.display_name as subscription
azure_app_service_web_app as app,
azure_subscription as sub
sub.subscription_id = app.subscription_id;
